
Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Another Week to Bake

I had another check up yesterday and Baby Tyler has hit the 7lb. mark. Unfortunately, my body is still not cooperating. The has been NO change, NO progress, no nothing. But Tyler is in position, and as my doctor put it, 'he's in the tunnel, but he just can't get to the light.' She said that's why I have been hurting so badly is he is trying his best, but my body won't budge. And when I say I'm hurting, there are times when I can't walk b/c it hurts so bad. And yes, I know I am a wimp...but seriously...should it hurt this bad? The doctor said he's ready, but she would feel alot better if my body showed any signs of being ready, but at this point she is doubtful that I will. So she wants to give him 1 more week 'to bake' and see if anything happens. She did reassure me there was no way she'd let me go until May 4, b/c he would be at least 10lbs. if we waited that long. And I know my limitations and I am NOT woman enough to push a 10 pounder out!!!!

So we'll have to wait at least 1 more week to meet my little Husky. Maybe that will give me a chance to get rid of this sinus infection....did I forget to mention that not only am I miserable, but I'm also sick? I just keeps getting better.

On a side note...ever since I found out I was pregnant, I've had the date April 24th stuck in my head. Don't know why. I just dreamed about it the night I found out about Husky and it's been in my head ever since. My next appointment is on Monday, the 21st, so we shall see if my dream was right. And, might I add, next week is also a full moon....


Amanda said...

This stage in your pregnancy isn't much fun, but the good thing is you do forget all the pain you've suffered once baby Tyler arrives. I can't wait to get my hands on your little fellow! I hope he comes on 4/24 because that's Ty's birthday. HANG IN THERE LITTLE MAMA! Hopefully, you don't have much longer! Miss You!

amjackson said...

Well, wait till it's the 2nd one!! I am only 26/27 weeks (who can remember....) and I already feel miserable! :) They say it gets worse each time. I'm hiring out a serrogate for my 3rd! :)
It'll be over soon and then you'll get to enjoy sleepless nights and feedings every 3 hours!! Oh...the joys of motherhood!! I'm being funny but truly, Motherhood really is the biggest blessing in the world!! BUT IT'S NOT FOR SISSIES...THAT'S FOR SURE!!

Hope said...

I had the same pain and kept thinking she was going to just fall right out! Hopefully things will progress quickly for your sake.