I cannot believe you are just a couple weeks away from being a "big boy!" You continue to amaze me everyday. You are so smart. You try to copy everything you see. The cutest thing you are doing is telling everyone your name, which is "Tyler Tyler Stop." I guess you hear that a lot :-) And yesterday you really started trying to walk. You will walk while holding someones hand, but when we were at Wal-Mart, Maddie got you to walk all by yourself, just like a big boy! And today, you were playing in the kitchen and I told you to come here...well me and Daddy almost fell off the couch when we saw you WALKING into the dining room! As soon as you saw us looking at you, you dropped to the floor and started crawling. You just continue to amaze us everyday. And I love you more than words could ever describe. I can just think about your sweet little face and get the biggest smile. You're the best thing that ever happened to me and Daddy and I could just eat you up!!!
You have a little personality of your own. You definitely have the "No" look down. you can say No and you shake your head all over the place. And when you get finished eating, you start to spit your food out. Even though I say No, No, I still think it's funny. And at night time, you insist on giving me a dozen kisses and then you just hug me and lay your head on my shoulder, and that makes mommy's heart melt. When you are tired, you want your crib. You don't want anything else, but your crib. And as soon as you get in there, you flip on your stomach, slide up to the corner and bury your head in the bumper pad. And you still love to sleep. I think I am the only mom that gets to sleep in until 8:30 or 9:30 every Saturday. And boy do I love you for that! You've learned the power of a 'fake' cry. And it's works on everyone. When we take something away from you, you scream for 5 seconds and then just stop. You love being in the kitchen with me and Daddy, and you love getting a bowl and spoon and you just mix away. You are just amazing, and I am so lucky to be your mommy. You are the apple of my eye, and my heart is just over flowing with love for you. You are my sweet, sweet little boy!
Love, Mommy
This is your Fake Cry...So Pitiful
I love my new swing Daddy put up. I giggle every time my daddy pushes me in it.
Angie, he looks so grown! WOW, it hasn't been that long since I saw him last! He is just too darn cute. She loves her sleep too. I really think he will make the perfect boyfriend for Caroline!
Wow! How much he has changed! Look at all those teeth!~ He is a big boy! He is just so so so cute!
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